Tristan Eaton New Mural In New York


Earlier this week, Tristan Eaton completed this mural in Little Italy in New York City. 
Titled Liberty, the new mural was organized by  The L.I.S.A. Project and features the image of the Liberty statue in that colourful collage-style we are getting used to see in his work combining classical and popular culture and making reference to American ideals.

tristan_eaton_new-york2tristan-eaton-new-york-2Pics by Dani Mozeson and The LISA project


Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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