‘Reforesting the blind guardian’ Pablo S. Herrero x Doa New Collaborations


After that sweet collaborative piece with H101 last week, Pablo S. Herrero is back with ‘Reforesting the blind guardian’, a wonderful collaborative project with Doa Ocampo.
‘Reforesting the blind guardian’ follows in many ways the same idea earlier presented through his ‘Cuadrante solar’ and ‘Soto / Sundial + Coppice’ presented here just over a week ago (covered). The idea back these series is, according to Herrero, to represent nature within nature allowing the viewer to be surrounded by his/hers own references, because by doing so we become part of it.
The artists explain the mural installations as follows:

In 2009 I painted the “blind guardian”, a hut that guarded the silence of the abandoned fish farm. For five years I have seen how the surroundings was disappearing caused by a fire in summer 2009. Doa‘s reforestation restores the life to the guardian in the same way that nature, amazingly, reconquest her space. For this piece, while I was painting the hidden sides of the guardian, Doa reforested the four sides. 

For more info about Pablo S. Herrero and Doa visit:

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Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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