Roa ‘Daniza’ New Mural In Rome


ROA was recently in Rome where he painted this sweet new mural organized by Dorothy Circus Gallery.
Titled ‘Daniza’ the mural is part of the “Step#2: Diversity” of “Spray for your Rights” and reflects on the recent death of the bear Daniza who died after being given an anaesthetic by officials attempting to capture her.
The news of Daniza’s death prompted anger among environmentalists and animal rights groups in Italy who argued that Maturi (the man attacked by Daniza) had simply come too close to her and her cubs, and that it was not fair to punish a wild animal for behaving naturally. From the press release:

“Once again the right to life has been violated without any reason. Once again the “otherness” is a predestinated victim of violence and tyranny. Each and everyday we make terrible mistakes. We recognize it but we are not strong enough not to repeat the same mistakes over and over. So we keep on suffering for it.
There is no progress, there is no hope for the future if we get used to pain and sorrow. Let’s hope our tears will rise as the flag of a mankind that will truly fight for the right to life for every creature on this earth.
We devote this art opus to Daniza, so that her pain will not be forgotten”.

Part of the proceeds from ROA exhibition sales will be devolved to animal-right association and will support the project “Cavalcando l’Autismo”, arranged by the association “L’Emozione non ha voce”, in which eleven boys and girls, affected by autism spectrum disorders will horse trekking Umbria and the Chianti area from August 31st to September 6th 2015.

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All Images © Blind Eye Factory

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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