Laguna paints new mural in Almagro, Spain

After his last mural in Madrid a couple of weeks ago, Laguna is back with another impressive wall titled “Todo lo que se me ocurre se parece a esto” or “All I can think is this” in Almagro, Spain.
“Todo lo que se me ocurre se parece a esto” is a surreal representation of the artist’s state of mind, beautifully expressed through soft colours and a very delicate line work – not to mention that background – whilst the motive seems to melt into the wall. Beautifully done.
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Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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