Tag: Daleast
Conor Harrington, HuskMitNavn, Maya Hayuk, Roa and Daleast x Surface in Copenhagen
Danish photographer Søren Solkær opened last Friday June 12 the 5th show for the SURFACE project’s world tour, this time at Øksnehallen in central Copenhagen. The exhibition features 122 portraits in large formats of some of the most renowned street artist nowadays covering an area of almost 3.000 m2. The artists are photographed in staged settings between them…
Daleast New Mural x Urban Forms In Lodz, Poland
Its been a while since I posted something about Chinese esculptor and painter Daleast. This new mural was painted for Galeria Urban Forms in Lodz, Poland and features the image of a giant deer with a body built out of branches that eventually disperse giving room to a group of birds, a image based on one of the pieces…
Daleast For Nuart Festival 2013
These two murals are the work of Chinese muralist Daleast who was until recently in Stavanger, Norway participating of this year’s Nuart Festival which according to its founder and director is the best yet. For the occasion painted Daleast one mural inside the famous Beer Halls (the horses) at Tou Scene and one in the streets of…
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