Tag: Bien Urbain Festival
MOMO New Murals x Bien Urbain 2014
After that monumental wall for the Milestone Project (here), MOMO is back in France where he dropped two wonderful pieces for the always amazing Bien Urbain Festival in Besancon. Known for his often monumental pieces, Momo is one of those artists whose work best shows the successful transition of abstract into the streets. Simple and wonderful murals full of a vitality of their own…
Franco Fasoli xBien Urbain 2014 – Bensacon, France
Franco Fasoli (JAZ) is back in France where he just finished this new mural for the always great Bien Urbain Festival in Bensacon, France. Titled “El peso de la historia” /”The Weight of History” featuring his usual imagery of confronting creatures. Like many urban artists, Jaz began his creative career in the streets as a…
Elian x Bien Urbain 2014 In Besancon, France
Argentinian visual artist Elian is back in Europe where he just finished this new mural for this years Bien Urbain festival. The new mural is a good example of Elian’s work, colourful and abstract, playing with its surroundings in an energetic interaction of shapes and colours. Here a few pics provided by the festival.
SpY – New Pieces For Bien Urbain 2013
Spanish artist SpY from Madrid creates witty pieces that break in many ways with urban dwellers inertia with humor and a pinch of irony, which often will bring a smile or a thought on you. Based in the observation of the urban environment, his work consists in the playful reappropriation of urban elements, that he replicates or transforms and then installs again…
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