Tag: Christopher Derek Bruno

  • Photo recap: ‘A Major Minority’ group show at Mirus Gallery

    Photo recap: ‘A Major Minority’ group show at Mirus Gallery

    A couple of weeks ago opened A Major Minority, an amazing group show featuring the work of contemporary urban artists from around the world curated by graffiti artist and curator Poesia, who is also the editor of Graffuturism.com and the cultural instigator at the center of the growing interest in abstract, progressive and hybrid Graffiti art forms. The…

  • Mirus Gallery presents ‘A Major Minority’

    Mirus Gallery presents ‘A Major Minority’

    Mirus Gallery is pleased to present A Major Minority, a group exhibition of Othercontemporary urban artists from around the world curated by Poesia.  A Major Minority is a group exhibition consisting of urban artists from around the world. The concept and title of the show were developed by graffiti artist/curator, Poesia, who is also the editor of Graffuturism.com…

  • Christopher Derek Bruno at 886 Geary Gallery

    Christopher Derek Bruno at 886 Geary Gallery

    Tomorrow Saturday 14th is the opening of “HERE AND THERE AND NOW AND THEN”, a solo exhibition by Christopher Derek Bruno at 886 Geary Gallery  in San Francisco. “Yet there is a sense in which mastering the appearance of things brings us closer to their essence. For by understanding how the same scene can appear different, depending on…

  • “Shapeshifters & Sharpshooters” at 886 Geary gallery

    “Shapeshifters & Sharpshooters” at 886 Geary gallery

      This Saturday opens “Shapeshifters & Sharpshooters”, a group exhibition featuring the work of 15 international artists at 886 Geary gallery in San Francisco. The exhibition is guest-curated by Sven Davis and gathers the work of different artists in an attempt to explore contemporary abstract art-making practices by artists whose background varies from traditional fine art to graffiti writing,…

  • New indoor mural by Christopher Derek Bruno in Atlanta

    New indoor mural by Christopher Derek Bruno in Atlanta

    Here a new indoor mural installation by Christopher Derek Bruno commissioned by Mailchimp. Symmetry, alignment and form are important characteristics within Christopher Derek Bruno’s work which, according to the artist, is ‘a fundamental exploration of the line between the object and the image of the object in the mind’. Using basic shapes, colours, proportions and a combination of both two…

  • Photo Recap: Graffuturism 5 Year Anniversary Group Exhibition

    Photo Recap: Graffuturism 5 Year Anniversary Group Exhibition

    Last Saturday opened Graffuturism‘s 5 Year Anniversary Exhibition at 886 Geary Gallery in San Francisco, California. The exhibition, a group exhibition curated by Graffuturism’s creator Poesia, showcases the work of leading figures in the contemporary street art movement and is in many ways a celebration of Graffuturism’s work during the last 5 years, the consolidation of an amazing journey…

  • Graffuturism 5 Year Anniversary Group Exhibition (Preview)

    Graffuturism 5 Year Anniversary Group Exhibition (Preview)

    Tomorrow is the opening of probably one of the most interesting exhibitions in the Street Art world this year, the Graffuturism 5 Year Anniversary Exhibition with an impressive lineup of premier Urban/Graffiti Art artists curated by Poesia and exhibited at 886 Geary Gallery in San Francisco. Graffuturism 5 Year Anniversary Exhibition marks in many ways the consolidation of a…


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