Tag: erosie

  • EROSIE ‘Linguaggio Universale’ x ALT!rove Festival 2015

    EROSIE ‘Linguaggio Universale’ x ALT!rove Festival 2015

    Next in the long line of talented artists participating of this year’s ALT!rove Festival is Dutch artist Jerome Erosie who painted, not one, but three murals in the neighbourhood of Piano Casa in Catanzaro, Italy. Drawing inspiration from his own work and the neighbourhoods colours and mood, creates Erosie three murals as part of a triptych titled “Linguaggio Universale” or…

  • Erosie x Le M.U.R 13 New mural in Paris

    Erosie x Le M.U.R 13 New mural in Paris

    Jeroen Heeman, also known as Erosie is now in Paris where he just finished this new wall for the Le MUR XIII project. Erosie, a graduate with honours from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam who currently lives and works in Eindhoven. His style addresses different disciplines such as graffiti, conceptual art, illustration and typography, just…


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