Tag: Gaia

  • Gaia: Poetics and virtual reality in Gainesville, Florida

    Gaia: Poetics and virtual reality in Gainesville, Florida

    Last time I published something by Gaia was a pretty amazing mural in Monno, Italy that portrayed the issue of immigration (here). Now back in USA, he was recently invited by Iryna Kanishcheva and Daniel Pimentel to paint in virtual reality for Changeville: Gainesville’s Social Change Festival where he also was offered the opportunity to create another wall for…

  • Gaia "The Modern Condition" in Monno, Italy

    Gaia “The Modern Condition” in Monno, Italy

    Gaia was recently in Italy invited to paint a mural for Comune di Monno curated by ozmone and produced by toapasserby for Wall In Art at the behest of the Valle Camonica. Titled “The Modern Condition”, the new mural portrays the image of two Italian immigrants shot by US sociologist and photographer Lewis Hine. Next to them we find the…

  • Gaia ‘Archangel Michael and the Dragon’ New mural in Kiev

    Gaia ‘Archangel Michael and the Dragon’ New mural in Kiev

    Archangel Michael and the Dragon Архангел Михаил і дракон is the name of Gaia‘s latest mural in Kiev, Ukraine  in Kyiv for Art United Us organised by Geo Leros with curatorial help from Iryna Kanishcheva. As explained by Gaia, the archangel Michael is a prominent figure in Ukrainian and Russian Orthodoxy, often invoked as protection from invasion…

  • Recap: 352Walls/The Gainesville Urban Art Initiative

    Recap: 352Walls/The Gainesville Urban Art Initiative

    Launched last October in Gainesville, Florida, the 352Walls initiative is an extensive project founded and curated by Iryna Kanishcheva, and coordinated by the City of Gainesville and Visit Gainesville, The idea behind the project, that so far has hosted a wide range of international and regional artists like 2501, Evoca1, Axel Void, Elian, Pastel and Gaia, just to name some of…

  • Gaia x Savage Habbit New Mural In New Jersey, USA

    Gaia x Savage Habbit New Mural In New Jersey, USA

    This gorgeous mural is the work of Baltimore-based artist Gaia painted as part of the Savage Habbit murals project As usual in Gaia’s work he makes use of his innate curiosity and interest for the local history of the places he visits bringing always something meaningful to his walls. The mural is a tribute to Henry Hudson laid down…

  • Gaia x Year of Altruism In Greenville, South Carolina – USA

    This impressive mural was painted by Gaia about a week ago in Greenville, South Carolina where he was invited by the Year Of Altruism Foundation to participate in their project. Gaia explains the meaning of his mural as follows: The mural features the warped images of four mills that have been repurposed or are slated for…

  • Gaia’s Mandela Memorial In Baltimore, USA

    Gaia just finished this new mural entitled ‘Kurema, Kureba, Kwiga’ (translated: To Create, To See, To Learn), a Mandela Memorial painted in Sowebo on mchenry street, Baltimore in solidarity with the Colour Ikamva project in Rwanda and Martha Cooper’s Sowebo/Soweto documentation. Lovely mural for a good cause. In case you are interested, ‘Kurema, Kureba, Kwiga’ is also…

  • Gaia New Mural in Lexington, Kentucky

    This new wall by Gaia was painted in collaboration with PRHBTN in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. Perhaps best known for his stunning animals and half animal half human creations this new piece is no exception. Gaia describes it as follows: “thoroughbred horses leaping off of an empty equestrian pedestal as a keffiyeh print from the United Emirates…


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