Tag: never 2501

  • 2501 and G Loois x “Amaroni Guarda Altrove” project in Catanzaro, IT

    Italian artists 2501 and G Loois visited recently Amaroni, a small village in the hinterland of Catanzaro in Italy invited to take part of the “Amaroni Guarda Altrove”, a project organised by ALTrove Festival and curated by Edoardo Suraci. Painted in the heart of the historical center of the village, the two pieces represent a fantastic and respectful contribution…

  • Never2501 – “Scinduta”  x Altrove Festival 2016

    Never2501 – “Scinduta” x Altrove Festival 2016

    It’s been a while since I posted something about 2501 so here an update from his latest mural painted in Catanzaro, Italy for this year’s Altrove Festival. ‘A scinduta of Barracchi’ was a historical district in Catanzaro, erected immediately after the earthquake of 1832 with the construction of temporary housing in order to give shelter…


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