Banksy: Day 3

Photo © Banksy

Another day, another stencil. Fresh and already damaged.
One of the questions that people seem to be asking about these works is how long they are going to last, given the considerable amount of Banksy street pieces that people have sold or are trying to sell. Apparently the works won’t last long. So the question is, is Banksy damaging his own work or is this the work of another kind of “vandals”? Herbert Baglione does, why not Banksy? I mean, it could be possible, we know that his stencils have been stolen before, pieces literally ripped off the wall so why not just damaging them as a way to preserve them? What do you think?
Location: 24th street & 6th avenue, NY.

banksy after
Photo © Travis Tefft

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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3 responses to “Banksy: Day 3”

  1. cozmicflight avatar

    The Damage concept doesn’t aplly when u go to the streets, the time, the over-paintting and the stealing all make part of the works life… I don’t think Banksy is worried about the life span of the pieces, any action after the conclusion is provoked by the piece itself making it always a kind of homage to it…

    1. FCA avatar

      Actually, I think it is Banksy himself buffing and tagging the pieces and Im not the only one that thinks so… conspiracy theories everywhere ;D

      1. cozmicflight avatar

        Great forum!!! thankx!
        I don’t know the dinamics of taggers and writters on NYC, seems to me like a territorial attitude… From the few staments from Banksy himself he doesen’t seem to bother… after all we are all seeing the works and following their evolution, seems like sucess to me 🙂


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