Axel Void x Lupita New Mural In Aguas Calientes, Mexico


Axel Void is now in Mexico where he recently painted this beautiful mural in collaboration with a young girl, Lupita whose masterpiece we see in the lower right corner of the pic above.
“Lupita” as the mural was titled, was painted in the patio Casa Mais, a shelter for the Huichol people. Void explains the meaning of the mural as follows:

They stay there during their peregrination to Wirikuta, a sacred land to them. The mural is based on some figures of the altar of my host Chunga. Often times they name the porcelain figure that appears in the mural María or Lupita. Oddly enough while painting I met Lupita, a 9 year old Huchiole that lives in front of the mural. Since she was hanging out with us I decided to have her do a little piece in the mural, you can find it on the bottom right. She painted a landscape with flowers, a rainbow and a “Peyote”. It’s a ceremonial sacred cactus that they use as guidance to Wirikuta. In the photo you can find her with a peyote plant she brought in order to paint it better. 

Axel-Lupita-Aguas-Calientes-Mexico-5Axel-Lupita-Aguas-Calientes-Mexico-3 Axel-Lupita-Aguas-Calientes-Mexico-4Axel-Lupita-Aguas-Calientes-Mexico-2
some pics via SAN

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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