Brandalist takeovers to Protest the COP21 Climate Conference in Paris

Last week and two days before the launch of the UN COP21 Climate Conference, 600 posters made by 82 Artists from 19 different countries were covertly distributed and hung within the city of Paris.
The event was organized by the Brandalism project and is meant to challenge the corporate takeover of the Paris climate talks, forming ads that target the link between corporations’ advertising with consumerism, global warming, and fossil fuel consumption.

From the press release:
Amidst the French state of emergency banning all public gatherings following the terrorist attacks on 13 November in Paris, the Brandalism project has worked with Parisians to insert unauthorised artworks across the city that aim to highlight the links between advertising, consumerism, fossil fuel dependency and climate change. 
The artworks were placed in advertising spaces owned by JC Decaux  –  one of the world’s largest outdoor advertising firms and an official sponsor to the COP21 climate talks.
Other prominent corporate sponsors of the climate talks such as Air France, GDF Suez (Engie) and Dow Chemicals are parodied in the posters – whilst heads of state such as Francois Hollande, David Cameron, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and Shinzo Abi also feature.  The artworks were created by over 80 renowned artists from 19 countries across the world including Neta Harari, Jimmy Cauty, Banksy-collaborator Paul Insect, Escif and Kennard Phillips – many of whom featured at Banksy’s Dismaland exhibition in England this summer.
Joe Elan from Brandalism said, “By sponsoring the climate talks, major polluters such as Air France and GDF-Suez-Engie can promote themselves as part of the solution – when actually they are part of the problem.”
Other posters called on people to take to the streets as part of the “Climate Games” – the world’s largest disobedient adventure game as well as protesting the “Solutions 21” conference – a large corporate exposition being held at the Grand Palais during the climate talks.

The Brandalism takeovers count with works by renowned artists life Escif, Paul Insect, Kennard Phillips, Fra Biancoshok, AlexOne, Robert Montgomery, John Fekner, Opiemme and Fintan Magee among many others. The images below show a small selection from the 600 posters created to challenge the UN COP21 Climate Conference, for more just visit Brandlism’s own website here.

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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