Robert Proch & Chazme ‘Brutalismopolis Chronicles’ at Galleri Kirk

Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme 'Erasing Green'
Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme ‘Erasing Green’

Tomorrow Saturday is the opening of ‘Brutalismopolis Chronicles’ Robert Proch and Chazme‘s collaborative exhibition at Galleri Kirk in Aalborg, Denmark.
In ‘Brutalismopolis Chronicles’, as the exhibition was titled, the two artists wish to put light on the large problems Europe is facing right now and as expressed by the artists “the way that internal economics and immigration are addressed is a serious integrity test facing the continent. All the while, the media presents us to the problems in high quality pictures of real casualties to everyone – while in the old days the news was passed on in newspapers, radio or low quality pictures.
When the last loud incident blew in Paris, just a few days before we had the chance to celebrate in Warsaw for Independence day the 11th of November. In the city there was a huge demonstration of Nationalists, who conveniently labelled themselves patriots.
This is all a giant echo from the past and some of the darkest chapters in history. The Anti-Islamic mood that is promoted creates the perfect conditions for xenophobia to flourish, frustrated people standing at the forefront of the movement.
This is all despite the fact that the Polish are no strangers to emigration, as over two million people have emigrated from Poland. But when it comes to opening the gate for these few thousands that need help now, everyone wants to ‘protect this healthy land from disease.’ The most alarming fact is that current moods are just a repetition of darkest chapters of the world’s history. And we’re supposed to be the most self-conscious generation ever. Information is relayed quicker than ever before. But we need to use it well.”

The new show expresses the meaning of Brutalismopolis interpreted at a very personal level by both artists. In Chazme’s work it represents the perfect, simple, monumental and concrete whilst Robert Proch’s approach focuses on the human aspect and characters as part of a giant machine, No matter if it’s a random pedestrian or performer at another talent show, everything is packed with pressure at an inhumane tempo.

‘Brutalismopolis Chronicles’ opens on Saturday 5th at the galleri located on Danmarksgade 8, Aalborg, Denmark.

Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme 'Bipolar Citizen'
Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme ‘Bipolar Citizen’
Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme 'How We Judge'
Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme ‘How We Judge’
Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme 'Monolith'
Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme ‘Monolith’
Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme 'Selfie II'
Robert Proch and Daniel Chazme ‘Selfie II’

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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