Together they painted two murals; Coda (image above) makes reference to an ending part of a piece of music or a work of literature or drama that is separate from the earlier parts. It can be very ephemeral or it can be prolonged indefinitely, just like the image in question here. Coda also refers to the French term ‘Mise en Abyme’ which literally means “placed into abyss”. The most common sense of the phrase is also known as the Droste effect, describing the visual experience of standing between two mirrors, then seeing as a result an infinite reproduction of one’s image. The phrase has several other meanings, however, in the realms of the creative arts and literary theory. In Western art history, “mise en abyme” is a formal technique in which an image contains a smaller copy of itself, in a sequence appearing to recur infinitely, something Antonio Feliz Martínez aka Parsec! has been working on.
The second mural (see last image), titled Pathos, shows the image of a bird and makes according to the artists reference to that rare moment when you perceive something that provokes a particular and intense feeling, a bird diluted in colours during the course of an instant whilst crossing a forest.

Author: Fran
Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.
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One response to “Pablo S. Herrero x Parsec in Castrogonzalo, Spain”
Beautiful, and a clever image.