“Sacrum Fieri” by Borondo in Ordes, Spain


Last September Spanish Artist Borondo painted a Mural entitled “Sacrum Fieri” on a wall  in the high school  ‘IES Maruxa Mallo’ of Ordes (Spain), curated by Desordes Crativas.

sacrum-fieri-by-borondo-in-ordes-2About the Mural
Sacrifice, a word tainted by our contemporary negative morality, according to which “to make a sacrifice” is to voluntarily deprive oneself of something, “to sacrifice” is to abandon or even to kill a victim, whether or not to consent to it. The semantic slippage of this word deserves to be revised and corrected.
The term sacrifice comes from the Latin SACRUM FIERI, which means “to be made sacred”, and by derivation, “to become sacred”. There is no connotation of a bloody rite or deprivation of any kind. It only speaks of the transition from one state to another, from a profane, human, everyday, natural state, to a sacred, divine, celestial, supernatural state. It is a spiritual step through which you access a different state of consciousness, belonging to a different dimension of material life. And is the basis not only of all religious activity, but also of all spiritual pursuits, if not mystical.
Text taken from “The Three Spirals” – Author: Jean Markale


sacrum-fieri-by-borondo-in-ordes-3About the Artist
Gonzalo Borondo was born in Spain 1989. He grew up in Segovia, and at a very young age he used to paint the hallways of their house. In 2003 he moves to Madrid where he strengthens his relationship with Graffiti and the street becomes the place of expression. After he starts visiting the studio of his “master” Jose Garcia Herranz, he discovers the pleasures of experimenting with different techniques and exploring the old masters of painting.
In 2010 he was invited for the first time to a public art festival in Istanbul and started to deal with large scale wall surfaces. Since then he has made numerous public interventions around the world. Since 2012 he has been exhibiting projects in galleries and museums all over Europe, where he expresses himself through paintings and multimedia installations. In 2015 Borondo inaugurated “Animal”, his solo exhibition entirely realized in London, which unveiled a large body of work, mixed with different media and techniques.

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