ArtUnitedUs kicks off new season with Rustam Qbic

Just the way he did last year, Russian artist Rustam Qbic kicks off a new season of Art United Us, an international project that aims to raise public awareness and attention to the problem of war, aggression and violence, bringing to you some of the most renowned artists from around the world.

Titled “The boy and the Sea” this new mural by Rustam depicts the image of a boy sitting at the beach during sunset, a time when he, according to the artist, begins to dream of distant countries beyond the seas. This idea is reinforced by the image of a roughly drawn Zeppelin flying in from of the boy while he holds a brush and a bucket of paint of the same colour by his side. Is he drawing his dreams of scape? I would, if I could…

As mentioned above, this is the first mural of an exciting new season happening at the heart of Kiev and that will count with the participation of a few exciting names soon to be released. This yea’s project is organised by two of its original founders; Iryna Kanishcheva – photographer, independent curator, and founder of 352walls/ The Gainesville Urban Art Initiative in Gainesville, Florida and Geo Leros – cinematographer/director, artist, producer, the founder and curator of City Art street art project in Kiev.

Rustam Qbic on website | instagram | facebook
ArtUnitedUs on website | facebook | urbanite
Images by Geo Leros and Rustam QBic.


Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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