TELMOMIEL “Dog Daze Of Summer” in Oregon, USA

After a not so short break we are back with a few walls we didn’t have the opportunity to share before. One of them is the Dutch duo TelmoMiel’s last mural, painted in Eugene, Oregon, USA for the 20×21 EUG mural project.

TelmoMiel’s mural shows the image of a young boy resting on his back and leaning on his dog. The duo explains their mural as follows:

The dog days of summer are the hot, sultry days of summer, best spend in a Daze.  A lost state of mind that might eventually go away. Sometimes considered enjoyable and makes time pass quickly. Not a care in the world’ 

Telmo Miel will be opening Telmo Miel 5 Year Anniversary, a new exhibition at the Sober Collective gallery opening on september 1st. The exhibition will consist of a series of fine art prints along with a selection of murals they created during the past years.

The Rotterdam-based Dutch duo TelmoMiel, composed of the artists Telmo Pieper and Miel Krutzmann, define themselves as muralists and creators of contemporary art.
 In 20017 Telmo, a licensed illustrator and designer, met Miel, who was already active in the graffiti scene, but it wasn’t until 2012 that they started collaborating, after both had completed the their degrees at the Academy of Art.
 The two artists work with a photo-realistic style that focuses on contrasts. They work ideas separately, later combining both sketches and giving shape to surrealistic compositions with great attention to detail. They are also so into each others work that when working on a piece together, they are able to switch places when ever wanted or needed.

More about Telmo Miel website  | facebook | youtube

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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