
because we love art

Moniker Art Fair announces curatorial partnership with Urban Nation Museum in Berlin

Moniker Art Fair 2018 returns to The Old Truman Brewery during London’s most important art week this Octoberwith an exciting new collaboration between two leading women driving forward the urban art scene. A first in the history of the fair, this official partnership with Urban Nation Museum will see its Director, Yasha Young, work with Moniker’s Director Tina Ziegler.

Verminus – Kate

Firmly established as the world’s largest urban art fair, having achieved record-breaking sales and audiences in 2017, Moniker has dedicated over a decade to growing this global industry. This special partnership with UNM draws attention to the cultural impact that urban art has had in recent years, and highlights its rise to prominence within the public eye and collecting worlds alike.

Urban Nation Museum’s acclaimed success marks a milestone in the rise of urban art’s popularity and long-term impact on modern culture, creating a permanent home for landmark works within the genre and giving space to artists influencing and influenced by the zeitgeist it has created. In conjunction with Moniker’s ascendance within the collecting world, interest in urban art has never been higher.

Installations, curated in collaboration with Urban Nation Museum, Berlin, will focus on social, economic and ecological injustices in line with Moniker’s 2018 ‘Uncensored’ theme, providing a platform for voices that are trying to bring about change. Without censorship, these voices can be heard. Situated in the heart of Berlin Urban Nation Museum (UNM) is the first of its kind, a large museum space dedicated to urban art.

Artists invited to create original works thus far include members of legendary Parisian art collective DMV, Lek and Sowat; internationally acclaimed African artist Faith47;activist and artist Ann J Lewis; Emerging British star Dan Rawlings;  Italian-born VESOD who will combine Renaissance art and Futurism and; Canadian Li-Hill, whose work serves as a template for the ramifications felt on a global scale.

Fair Director of Moniker Art Fair, Tina Ziegler, comments: “Yasha has been pushing this scene and the artists within it for more than 20 years and has quietly been one of the cornerstones in the foundation of urban art and its growth. In partnering with Urban Nation Museum, we’re consolidating our experience. I’ve been in the thick of it 15 years myself – and making it unarguably clear that urban art is not only ‘here to stay’, it’s been changing the cultural landscape significantly for over a decade. The growth of the fair and the rapidly increasing patronage of collectors confirm that to be true.”

Dan Rawlings – No Vehicles Tree

Director of Urban Nation Museum, Yasha Young, adds: “To partner with one of the most interesting art fairs at the moment and to support Director Tina Ziegler in her projects is exactly what Urban Nation as an Institution is about. Support the entire infrastructure of this eco system we call the art market and the art world with focus on Urban Contemporary Art. We don’t just support the end result but the history and the current developments and visionaries that are trying to change and contribute to art history one project , art fair , artist or exhibition at a time.”

Alongside Moniker’s annual thematic installation halls, the fair will present a selected list of galleries and artists from around the world. This year, Moniker Art Fair will reduce the number of galleries exhibiting from forty to thirty, allowing more room for the very best of the burgeoning scene to create bespoke, immersive and interactive spaces. For the first time the fair will operate on an invitation only basis. Veteran artists will be given room to build open studios alongside themed group shows exhibited by both major and emerging galleries.

Dan Rawlings – Nature Delivers

Moniker intends continue to expand its film and talk programmes, community collaborative events and exclusive music performances that have been warmly received over the past two editions.

The fair opens on Thursday 4th – Sunday 7th October 2018 (Thursday, VIP and Press Preview 3pm-5pm; Collectors Preview 5pm-10pm Friday, 12pm-10pm Saturday, 11am – 9pm Sunday, 11am – 6pm) at The Old Truman Brewery located on 91 Brick Lane, London E1 6QL

Tickets are available from https://www.monikerartfair.com/tickets
(Collectors Preview £15/Day Pass £10/Multi Day Pass £20/Concessions £8)

Lek & Sowat – Il Bosco – Villa Medici 2017
Lek & Sowat, Bosco Bleu

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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