Dutch Sober Collective announced recently the details of a new project in collaboration with German artist 1010 as part of the public art project ‘‘Tunnelvisie’’ in Eindhoven, Netherlands.
The project ‘Tunnelvisie’ (Dutch for ‘’Tunnelvision’’), curated by Sober Collective and organised by the municipality of Eindhoven, aims to enrich the city with. The first artist out is 1010 who will start with 2 access tunnels at ‘’18 Septemberplein’’ station this month and continue through next year.
The ‘’18 septemberplein’, where the tunnel access is located, is one of the largest and most important squares in Eindhoven. It is the connection between the central station, the shopping center, the PSV stadium and Strijp S. ‘‘The Blob’’ is a futuristic building with two smaller cone-shaped shelters executed in the same style. They both serve as entrances to a parking lot that accommodates more than 1700 parking spaces for bikes. The entrances are located on different sides of the square and together with ‘‘The Blob’’, form a remarkable piece of modern architecture and a local landmark.
1010 will use the two cones as canvas for ‘’Tunnelvisie’’, mixing his characteristic abstract illusionism with the surrounding architecture, giving him the opportunity to paint, as he expressed, “inside a real tunnel instead of creating the illusion of one.’”
The project kicks off on September 10th and will be accomplished in 2 stages, outer and inner work on both entrances. The first stage, inner side of each entrance, will be completed in September 2018 while the second stage of the project will be completed in 2019.
During the execution of this project Sober Industries cooperates extensively with the local government of Eindhoven, department Realization, Management and Supervision – City Management. In consultation with all the interested parties and with regard to convenience and comfort of citizens it has been decided to work on each entrance individually, therefore one entrance will remain accessible / available at all times.
About the artist
1010’s signature artworks are massive eye catching abstract illusions, performed on entrances, flat surfaces or portals. Typical for 1010 dimensionality, goes in hand with curvilinear forms and alluring colors, an encounter with his works is a captivating and mesmerizing experience. His works adorned cities like Berlin, Warsaw, Paris, Montreal and Miami.
Follow 1010 on website | Facebook | Instagram
About Sober Industries
Sober Industries is a creative production company specialised in the development and production of exceptional multi – dimensional experiences for (innovative) companies and organisations. Sober Industries combines art with digital techniques. This can variate from a Street Art production to the execution and development of complex animations for a projection mapping show. The Sober Art Gallery focuses on Street art from the high segment, representing established artists to ensure quality of the individual pieces under the Sober Collective umbrella. Sober Collective promotes creativity, aesthetic vision and diverse collaborations. Combined with precision in execution and a strong work ethic, Sober Collective brings Street Art to a whole new level.
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Author: Fran
Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.
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