Osona ARTIMUR Festival, Spain

A couple of months ago, nineteen artists gathered in Osona, a comarca situated in Catalonia, Northeast Spain for the newly started Osona Art i Mur, a project promoted by Osona Turisme, directed by Transit Projectes, and curated and produced by Barcelona based B-Murals.

The idea behind the project was to create a new line of heritage value in five rural towns in Osona through public art for which they invited a series of local and international artists like Zoer, Ana Barriga, Satone, Nano4814, Luogo Comune, Isaac Cordal, Rosh, Alberto Montes, Jan Vallverdú, Marta Lapeña, Eloise Gillow. Others, like Twee Muizen, Sergi Bastida and Wedo Goas were selected through an open call or through participatory processes (more like comunity murals) like the case of Daniel Muñoz, Chu Doma, Alessia Innocenti, Mateu Targa and Zosen.

The murals were created in five different villages – Prats de Lluçanès, Manlleu, Sant Julià de Vilatorta, Sant Bartomeu del Grau and Alpens.

Photo by: Monika Pufflerova & Fer Alcalá

For more information:
Web: https://www.bmurals.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/b.murals/
Email: comunicacio@bmurals.com
Osona Artimur:
Web: https://osonaturisme.cat/artimur/

Laura Colomé: +34 655273167 / foto.lauracolome@gmail.com
Fer Alcalá: +34 657590083 / fernandoalcalalosa@gmail.com

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.
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