Chrysalis is Borondo’s latest project at the Villa Stuck Museum (Munich), home and studio of the German symbolist painter Franz Von Stuck, converted into a contemporary art center. Taking advantage of the scaffolding that will cover the museum during the renovation works, the multidisciplinary artist intervenes with large-scale painted nets on the main façade of the building.
The white and gold paint envelops the palace like a translucent skin, hinting at and revealing themes deeply rooted in Von Stuck’s artistic world which, at the same time, bear Borondo’s unmistakable signature.
Mythological figures such as fauns and centaurs, Dionysian elements and motifs revolving around Eros and Thanatos are given new life in this contemporary reinterpretation. Through subtle shifts in symbolism, Borondo turns Stuck’s Manichean concept of gender on its head and encourages reflection on a new masculinity beyond traditional gender clichés on an individual and social level.
The pictorially intervened façade of more than 600 m2 of netting rises like an urban altar above Prinzregentenstrasse, a homage to the Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art), a fundamental idea in the villa created by Von Stuck.
The title alludes to the continuous process of transformation, of metamorphosis. A metaphor that announces the transformation of the museum, the transformative power of art, and at the same time foresees new perspectives for the future.
You can watch the teaser of the work in progress here:

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