ArtStreet Art

SABER x ZES for Branded Arts in Los Angeles

Graffiti legend Saber MSK AWR crews teamed up with Zes, aka Zeser, aka Zes AWR/MSK to paint this wonderful (and legal) mural in Los Angeles using both fire extinguishers, bug sprayers and

ArtStreet Art

Axel Void x Lupita New Mural In Aguas Calientes, Mexico

Axel Void is now in Mexico where he recently painted this beautiful mural in collaboration with a young girl, Lupita whose masterpiece we see in the lower right corner of the pic above.

ArtStreet Art

David de la Mano “La deriva” New Mural In Montevideo

  David de la Mano is back in Montevideo after a relatively long stay in Spain and Italy where he took part of the Bloop Festival in Ibiza (here) and Memorie Urbane in Gaeta and Terracina

ArtStreet Art

Pablo S. Herrero New Mural x Emergence Festival In Sicily

Here a few pics of Pablo S. Herrero’s latest mural for the Emergence Festival in Giardini Naxos, Sicily and it is beautiful. Entitled “Coordinata vibrante” he new mural is a

ArtStreet Art

El Decertor “Migración” x Open Walls Baltimore 2014

El Decertor is currently in Baltimore where he recently painted this huge mural for Open Walls baltimore 2014. El Decertor blends a broad palette of vivid colours on his large murals and illegal