ArtStreet Art

Ernest Zacharevic New Mural In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

After his participation at Memorie Urbane festival in Italy, Lituanian Ernest Zacharevic headed to Malaysia where he painted this sweet mural in collaboration with Allianz. The mural is part of

ArtStreet Art

Ernest Zacharevich x Memorie Urbane 2014 – Arce, Italy

Finally some good shoots delivered by The Blind Eye Factory of this sweet piece by Ernest Zacharevich for Memorie Urbane 2014 before he headed to Malaysia where he just finished another great

ArtStreet Art

Liqen Second Mural x Progetto SanBa In San Basilio, Italy

After a wonderful first wall (here) Liqen completed his second mural for the SanBa Project (Progetto SanBa) in San Basilio; this time a bit less apocalyptic. After a giant rake cleans the earth

ArtStreet Art

ETAM Cru x Memorie Urbane 2014

An always favorite among street art lovers, the ETAM cru (composed of a two-man crew  Sainer and Betz ) is back with this new mural painted in Gaeta Italy for the always great Memorie Urbane

ArtStreet Art

Daniel Muñoz “SAN” New Mural In Blanca, Spain

Spanish illustrator and muralist Daniel Muñoz, also known as SAN was recently in Blanca where he painted this undoubtedly political message. Entitled “11 figuras trabajando en una

ArtStreet Art

Levalet x In Situ Art Festival In Paris

I bet Levalet had great fun creating this installation; a great addition to the newly inaugurated In Situ Art Festival at the Le Fort d’Aubervilliers in Paris, in many ways an amusement park for

ArtStreet Art

JADE x Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC) In Lima, Peru

Local artist JADE was recently invited to paint one the walls at the MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo)Art in Lima, Peru. The result is this new wall entitled “Mirar desde otra

ArtStreet Art

Seikon x Poliniza Festival D’Art Urbà 2014 – Valencia, Spain

Seikon is now in Spain where he just finished this new mural for the Poliniza Street Art Festival in Valencia, Spain. Seikon delivers once again one of his “signature geometric line-based