ArtStreet Art

2501 x ALTrove Festival In Catanzaro, Italy

Tireless 2501 keeps travelling and painting around the world, this time in his native Italy for the ALTrove – Street Art Festival in Catanzaro. As usual we find ourselves confronted with

ArtStreet Art

MadC x ONO’U Festival In Papeete, Tahiti

MadC is one of many artists participating of this year’s ONO’U Graffiti festival in Papeete, Tahiti for which she painted this beautiful mural. MadC’s work is mainly letter

ArtStreet Art

Pastel x Viavai Project In Racale, Italy

Argentinian painter and architect Pastel is now in Italy where he just finished his second mural for the Viavai Project in Racale, Italy (image above). The first one, “El lamento del

ArtStreet Art

EIME x Memorie Urbane 2014 – Gaeta, Italy

This lovely mural is the work of Portuguese designer, painter and self defined “street artist” EIME painted in Gaeta, Italy for Memorie Urbane 2014. Combining stencil and a

ArtStreet Art

Stinkfish New Mural In Chicago

Stinkfish  is now in New York participating of the Juicy Brooklyn Art Festival, but before he left Chicago he painted this beautiful mural based on a picture taken at Swayambhunath in Katmandú,