ArtStreet Art

Mr.WOODLAND 'Comin' home' Mural In Munich

Daniel Westermeier aka. Mr.WOODLAND, a Graffiti Artist, Graphic Designer and illustrator from Munich, recently published on his website this sweet mural entitled Comin’ home somewhere in

ArtStreet Art

Franco Fasoli (JAZ) New Mural In Perth, Australia

Argentinian artist Franco Fasoli also known as JAZ is now in Australia where he rapidly painted this first new wall in Perth as part of the FORM Public art project. The new mural, featuring

ArtStreet Art

Invader New Pieces In Paris

And here two brand new pieces by Invader PA-1096 and PA-1097, the last one on Rue du Louvre and featuring one of the Louvre’s most precious possessions, the Mona Lisa. The second piece

ArtStreet Art

BLU New Mural In Niscemi, Italy

Its not often we hear from Italian artist and muralist BLU, but when we do its big, and so is this huge new wall painted in Niscemi, Sicily in solidarity with the “No Muos” movement. No Muos

ArtStreet Art

Nelio x Mart New Collaborative Walls In Buenos Aires

Here an interesting collaboration between Nelio (who is still in Argentina) and Mart, a Buenos Aires-based artist. The new mural, painted somewhere in Barrio Palermo in Buenos Aires, reflects