Street Art

Jeroen Erosie for Palma Festival 2017

Dutch visual artist, Jeroen Heeman, better known as Erosie is one of the participant artists at the 2nd edition of the Palma Festival, currently taking place in Caen and Mondeville, France until

Street Art

Lula Goce in Cambados, Spain

Here are a few images of Spanish painter and muralist Lula Goce's last mural, recently finished in Cambados, Spain, the European city of wine 2017!

Street Art

Fabio Petani for Urban Art Field in Chivasso, Italy

‘Promethium & Jasminum Officinale’ is Fabio Petani‘s latest mural, painted in occasion of the Urban Art Field event in Chivasso, Italy. The new mural, as in the rest of his

Street Art

Dourone Camissa in Cape Town, South Africa

While spending time in South Africa, Spanish artist Fabio Lopez aka Dourone painted this new Mural titled “Camissa” during a visit to Cape Town. ‘Camissa’ is the ancient

Street Art

Remi Rough New mural in Roubaix, France

  A couple of weeks ago, British artist Remi Rough spent some time in France in occasion of the La Condition Publique‘s  exhibition Street Generation(s) 40 ans d’art urbain curated by

Street Art

Goddog New mural for Arte Publica in Loures, Portugal

It’s been a while since I last published something about French artist GoddoG. Last week was he in Portugal invited to take part of this years Arte Publica in Loures, a charming town next

Street Art

“Horizontal” New mural by ELIAN in Buenos Aires

After that lovely mural for TRAMA festival, Elian is back with “Horizontal” painted for this years ColorBA festival that has already counted with the participation of artists like

InstallationStreet Art

‘Heart Of Gold’ New anamorphic mural by TRULY

The Italian collective TRULY (Former TRULY design) sent a few days ago some images of their latest creation. A pretty cool anamorphic mural painted on the ceiling of a private building in Turin.

Street Art

David Petroni paints entire facade for ColorBA 2017

Last time I heard from Argentinian artist David Petroni was under the TRAMA festival a few months ago. Now he is back with this new mural painted for the second edition of the ColorBA festival in

Street Art

Lucas Parbo for ColorBA 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Argentinian graphic designer and visual artist Lucas Parbo is one of the many talented artists participating in the second edition of the ColorBA festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Titled