Street Art

Sebas Velasco “Explorare necesse est” in Rijeka, Croatia

“Explorare necesse est” Rijeka (Croatia) for Spajalica Project curated by MMSU. Hvala to Sasha Bogojev, Natasa, Slaven, Branko, Veljko, the crew from Nemo bar and all the people from

Street Art

Manolo Mesa “Il Incontro con la foresta” in Lioni, Italy

“Il incontro con la foresta” (The Encounter with the Forest) is Manolo Mesa‘s newest mural recently painted in Lioni (Av), Italy for the Bag Out Biennale “A.Garofalo“. The new

Street Art

Jorge Pomar “Stairway to sun” x Monumental Art Festival 2016

Here some images of Jorge Pomar’s new mural for  the Monumental Art Festival in Gdańsk, Poland. Titled “Schody do słońca” (Stairway to sun), the piece is according to the artis a

Street Art

WAONE «Chasing tigerman» x Richmond Mural Project

Here a few images of «Chasing tigerman», Waone‘s newest mural painted for the Richmond Mural Project in Richmond, Virginia. The mural is a continuation of Waone’s new project of

Street Art

Aryz “Decay” New mural in Ghent, Belgium

Best known for his often gigantic murals and stunning illustrations, Spanish artist Aryz doesn’t seem to stop surprising us. This new mural, titled “Decay” and painted on the side wall of an old

Street Art

Mata Ruda “Protectress” x Art United us in Kiev

The Ukrainian art project Art United Us continues to deliver amazing large-scale murals like this one by Phoenix-based artist Mata Ruda. Painted on the side of a brick building in Kiev and

Street Art

Millo “Love Runs the World” x Mural Social Club in Kiev

“Love Runs the World” is the title of this large-scale mural painted by Italian artist Francesco Camillo Giorgino aka Millo for the ongoing mural project Mural Social Club in Kiev,

Street Art

Moneyless x Muraliza festival in Portugal

Here a few images of Moneyless’ new mural for this year’s Muraliza festival in Cascais, Portugal. The new mural is a good example of the artistic journey Moneyless has undertaken

Street Art

GUE ‘Vento d’estate’ x ALTrove festival in Catanzaro, Italy

If I am not wrong this will be my first post about Gue, an Italian artist that has been making waves in the Italian street art scene during the last couple of years. Being part of the scene since