Street Art

‘Evry Day I’m Hustlin’ Monumental collab by Lek & Sowat in Evry, France

French artists Lek and Sowat spent a week in the city of Evry, France painted probably their biggest mural to date. ‘Evry Day I’m Hustlin’ as the mural was titled was painted in occasion of

Street Art

“The Further You Go…” New mural by SEPE in Warsaw

“The Further You Go…” is according to Polish artist Sepe a mural epilogue to ‘The Golden Age Of Grotesque’ his last solo show in London at Lawrence Alkin Gallery,

Street Art

Daan Botlek “Stepping Stone Rat Race” New mural in Rotterdam

Netherlandish artist Daan Botlek just finished some days ago this new mural in Rotterdam. The wall, titled “Stepping Stone Rat Race” and curated by Operacles gallery depicts some

Street Art

Pablo S. Herrero x Memorie Urbane 2015

After his last piece in Trecchina, Italy for the Incipit art project (here), Spanish artist Pablo S. Herrero headed to Arce in order to take part of this year’s Memorie Urbane festival in

Street Art

Pastel x Milestone Girona 2015

Argentinian artist Pastel is now in Spain invited to take part of the Milestone festival in Girona for which he painted one of his beautiful and signature murals. The mural was painted at Font de

ArtExhibitionPhotographyStreet Art

Conor Harrington, HuskMitNavn, Maya Hayuk, Roa and Daleast x Surface in Copenhagen

Danish photographer Søren Solkær opened last Friday June 12 the 5th show for the SURFACE project’s world tour, this time at Øksnehallen in central Copenhagen. The exhibition features 122

Street Art

‘La Abuelita’ New mural by El Mac, Kofie and Nuke in Los Angeles, CA

Here a beautiful collaboration between El Mac, Augustine Kofie and Joseph ‘Nuke’ Montalvo in Los Angeles The portrait was painted entirely with aerosol and fatcaps, and is based on

Street Art

Rustam Qbic x Mural Istanbul Festival 2015

Here an impressive new mural by Russian artist Rustam Qbic who is currently in Istanbul taking part in the Mural Istanbul festival. ‘Miracle’ is surrealist approach to the so-called

Street Art

Robert Proch “Tweens” New mural in Setúbal, Portugal

After an incredible collaboration with Corn79, Vesod and Sepe in Italy last week (here), Polish painter, muralist and animator Robert Proch is now in Portugal where he recently finished this

Street Art

108 x Street Alps in Torre Pellice, Italy

Italian artist and muralist 108 created this new piece for this year’s Street Alps Festival in the city of Turin, Italy. As in the rest of his work, 108 makes use of his traditional imagery