ArtStreet Art

Axel Void creates new haunting mural portrait in Montreal

And we are back after a short break with this new and amazing wall by Axel Void painted in occasion of the MURAL Festival in Montreal, Canada. Painted on Chamberclerc, a social housing residence

ArtStreet Art

‘Concrete Alphabets’ at 886 Geary Gallery in San Francisco, CA

Concrete Alphabets, an exhibition curated by Poesia at 886Geary Gallery in San Francisco opened last week bringing together the letter-based work of six contemporary artists such as Defer (Los

ArtStreet Art

BLU paints new controversial mural in Chiomonte, Italy

Italian artist BLU was recently in Chiomonte Italy where he experienced the arrest and conviction of four No Tav activists found guilty of “corruption” and initially accused of

ArtStreet Art

Amazing portal-like illusion by 1010 in France

Invited by Galerie Itinerrance, German artist 1010, known for his magnificent 3D trompe l’oeil painted this amazing 4500 m2 piece taking advantage of the remodeling of the interchange of the 13th

ArtStreet Art

New murals by Axel Void x Katowice Street Art Festival, Poland

Axel Void spent a couple of weeks in Katowice, Poland painting a couple of murals in Szopienice, a working class neighbourhood in the outskirts of Katowice. The murals were painted on both sides

ArtStreet Art

“Cáscara” a new street piece by Pablo S Herrero in Salamanca, Spain

Somewhere in Barrio Blanco, an old town where only a few houses still stand, we find this new mural piece by Spanish artist Pablo S. Herrero known for his poetic approach to painting and haunting

ArtExhibitionPrintsStreet Art

Elian x Pastel “Fallas” at Montana Gallery Barcelona

Argentinian artists Pastel and Elian are currently in Barcelona for the opening of “Fallas” their new show at Montana gallery Barcelona. “Fallas” can be translated

ArtStreet Art

Sten Lex for ALT!rove Festival in Catanzaro, Italy

Here the new and interesting contribution of the duo Sten Lex for this year’s awesome ALT!rove Festival in Catanzaro, Italy being the 10th mural created for their project Abstractism

ArtStreet Art

Remi Rough brings his magic to Morocco

Remi Rough was recently in Morocco where he painted this new mural for the Jidar mural festival last weekend in the heart of Rabat. The new mural covers almost the entire façade of the Technopark

ArtStreet Art

Luigi Loquarto (GIG) New mural in Terlizzi, Italy

After announcing his last exhibition in Monza, Italian artist Luigi Loquarto aka GIG made his way to Terlizzi where he painted this new wall for MAT – Laboratorio Urbano. Titled