ArtStreet Art

EMA x Millennium Gallery in Sheffield

This new and interesting window installation is the work of French artist Florence Ema Blanchard or just EMA and was commissioned by the Millennium Gallery in Sheffield, UK. Part of

ArtgraffitiStreet Art

Mural update with Pener

Here a couple of new murals by Polish artist Bartek Świątecki aka Pener painted in the last week. Pener’s work follows his love for the abstract form and geometry where bright colour

ArtStreet Art

Chazme x Sepe for Stencibility Street Art Festival in Estonia

Chazme and Sepe, known not only for their own unique style but also for their wonderful collaborations, were until recently in Estonia where they were invited to take part of the Stencibility

ArtStreet Art

Eltono paints mural for French Embassy in Cambodia

French artist Eltono was recently in Cambodia where he painted this interesting indoor mural at the French Embassy. Even if Eltono, Spanish for “the tone”, spent over a decade painting in the

ArtStreet Art

Dourone New mural for Do Art Foundation in L.A.

Spanish artist currently based in Paris DOURONE is now in the States where he recently painted this new and eye-catching mural in collaboration with the DO ART FOUNDATION in the West Side of Los

ArtStreet Art

Moneyless x PUBLIC’15 in Perth, Australia

Also as part of the FORM Public Art Project 2015 (or simply Public’15) Moneyless created this new and wonderful mural showing once again that a good artist is the one who manages to renew

ArtStreet Art

Millo paints second “Love” mural in Milano

After a lovely first “love wall” a couple of weeks ago, Italian artist Millo (also known as Francesco Camillo Giorgino) painted a second mural right next to the first one showing the

ArtStreet Art

Pastel x Public’15 New mural in Perth, Australia

Argentinian artist and muralist Pastel is also in Australia where he recently finished this new mural titled “Idealism of aboriginal Ngarluma“. According to the artist the mural addresses

ArtStreet Art

Hense paints monumental mural in Western Australia

Atlanta-based artist HENSE was recently in Australia where he painted this stunning mural commissioned for PUBLIC 2015 with FORM. The mural is part of a project in Western Australia working on

ArtStreet Art

1010 paints another amazing illusion in Marseille, France

1010 is finally back in Europe after a long stay in India where he painted a couple of amazing murals for St+art India. This time in Marseille and following his stunning 3D murals of mysterious