ArtStreet Art

Daleast New Mural x Urban Forms In Lodz, Poland

Its been a while since I posted something about Chinese esculptor and painter Daleast. This new mural was painted for Galeria Urban Forms in Lodz, Poland and features the image of a giant deer

ArtStreet Art

“El fin justificado” New Mural by Aryz In Bilbao, Spain

Aryz was recently in Bilbao where he painted this new mural titled “El fin justificado” following the kind of imagery we have seen in the last couple of months in the last months,

ArtStreet Art

The Open Walls Conference 2014 In Barcelona Is On

      The work for this years Open Walls Conference in Barcelona has started. The Open Walls Conference (OWC) is an international meeting aimed to create a bridge between urban art

ArtStreet Art

SpY “I’m Not A Real Artist” x Nuit Blanche Paris

Spanish artist SpY is currently in Paris invited to this years Nuit Blanche, an event that took place last Saturday and for which he created this new piece titled “I’m not a real