ArtStreet Art

SEIKON in Gran Canaria

Here a quick post of a quick piece by Polish artist and designer Seikon recently painted somewhere in Gran Canaria, Spain. As usual, delivers Seikon one of his signature walls based on a

ArtStreet Art

POETA New mural in Buenos Aires

En compañía del silencio (In company of silence) is Poeta‘s most recent mural painted in Villa Ballester a city located in the northern Greater Buenos Aires urban area. Bringing modern


Photo Recap: Giulio Vesprini “Cosmometrie” at Studio D’Ars in Milan

Giulio Vesprini opened a couple of weeks ago Cosmometrie, his first solo show at Studio D’Ars in Milan part of the Parentesi Aperte’s exhibition cycle curated by Alessandra Ioalé. As


Graffuturism 5 Year Anniversary Group Exhibition (Preview)

Tomorrow is the opening of probably one of the most interesting exhibitions in the Street Art world this year, the Graffuturism 5 Year Anniversary Exhibition with an impressive lineup of premier

ArtStreet Art

2501 paints new mural for the Light up Torpigna! project in Rome

Italian artist 2501 was recently in Rome where he painted this  interesting mural curated by Wunderkammern Gallery. Titled Axonometry of the circle rendered through 2501’s signature style,


Giulio Vesprini ‘Cosmometrie’ at Studio D’Ars, Milano

Today opens Cosmometrie a new exhibition by Italian artist Giulio Vesprini at Studio D’Ars in Milan. Cosmometrie, organized as part of Parentesi Aperte project and created by the gallery’s

ArtStreet Art

Giulio Vesprini paints mural for the ICA in Civitanova, Italy

This interesting mural was painted by Italian artist Giulio Vesprini in Civitanova, Italy for the Department of Communication at the ICA’s headquarters. Like in the rest of his oeuvre,

ArtStreet Art

Elian x the Artesano Project in Dominican Republic

Argentinian artist Elian is back in the Caribbean where he recently finished this new mural for the Artesano Project, an international mural project taking place in the small beach town of Río