VHILS New Mural In Turin

vhils finished

After a couple of collaborations with Pixel Pancho in Lisbon about a week ago, Vhils is now in Italy where he recently finished this new mural in the context of NizzArt and organized by URBE in collaboration with the Circoscrizione 8.
The new piece, featuring a man Vhils photographed during a trip in Mexico, is located on an old condominio on via Nizza nr 50.
NizzaArt is intending to transform the street into an Open air museum “housing” works by Moneyless, Agostino Iarcuci and now Vhils. Looking forward to see what’s next! Both from Vhils and NizzArt.


Vhils-Turin-1 Vhils-Turin-01
Photos by La Reppublica Torino.it (First one by Sprincibella)


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One response to “VHILS New Mural In Turin”

  1. castiblanc avatar

    I love the work of this artist. The carving technique that he uses is one of the most impressed and fine artistic way that i have seen till today.


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