Wonderful Land Art Series by Martin Hill

60994_Rising Circle
Rising Circle

This stunning installations are the work of photographer and artist  Martin Hill who, often working with his longtime partner Philippa Jones, travel to remote locations around the world to create temporary sculptures from ice, stone, and organic materials that reflect nature’s cyclical system, sculptures and installations that “metaphorically express concern for the interconnectedness of all living systems.” What is special with this series is that the form is never complete until the reflection on the water. The artist explains his work as follows:

The use of the circle refers to nature’s cyclical system which is now being used as a model for industrial ecology. Sustainability will be achieved by redesigning products and industrial processes as closed loops—materials that can’t safely be returned to nature will be continually turned into new products. Of course this is only one part of the redesign process. We need to use renewable energy, eliminate all poisonous chemicals, use fair trade and create social equity.

Here a little selection. Wonderful work.

Martin Hill  ICECIRCLE
Alpine Ice Cycle
60994_Autumn Leaf
Autumn Leaf Cycle
Martin Hill Synergy
Martin Hill SunriseCircle
Sunrise Circle
60994_Kanuka Sphere
Kanuka Sphere
Martin Hill  StoneCircle
Stone Circle

 Via My Modern Met

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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