“Measure The Immeasurableness” DALeast x No Limit Borås 2015


DALeast was recently in Sweden where he spent a few days working on this monumental piece for this year’s No Limit Borås.
“Measure The Immeasurableness”, as the mural was titled, can only be seen  in its entirety from a specific angle and stands as a perfect example of DALeast’s trademark style – metallic, monochromatic, sculptural figures – that, according to the artist, remain strongly influenced by Eastern philosophy, by the spirit and energy imbued in the natural world.

Daleast-no-limi-borås-2 Daleast-no-limi-borås-3 Daleast-no-limi-borås-4 Daleast-no-limi-borås-5

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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2 responses to ““Measure The Immeasurableness” DALeast x No Limit Borås 2015”

  1. Saxon avatar

    Wow! What insane scale and perspective. Thx for sharing this. I’ve never heard of this artist. Where are they from? I’m going to share your post on Reddit. A follow from me too. Cheers

    1. FCA avatar

      Glad you like it. He is Chinese, but lives in South Africa now with his wife Faith47. Check out his website for more info about him http://www.daleast.com : )


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