2nd edition of What The Weekend is Gallery at The Art Union in Berlin

On Saturday April 22nd, the German art association The Art Union will be opening the second edition of WHAT THE WEEKEND IS GALLERY, a group exhibition that will count with the participation of 80 Berlin-based artists at the historical venue Alte Münze.
WHAT THE WEEKEND IS GALLERY is a thematically organised exhibition featuring different sub-genres and styles of contemporary urban art displayed in a non-representative way. The exhibition will count with works by s internationally renowned artists such as 44 Flavours, Andrea Wan, Daan Botlek, Dave the Chimp, Duncan Passmore, Johannes Mundinger, Julia Benz, Kera, Innerfields, Pablo Benzo and TWOONE just to mention a few of them.

As explained in an earlier occasion , the title of the exhibition is a humorous reference to the official Gallery Weekend Berlin, which takes place during the same period of time.  According to the organisers, the idea behind the exhibition is to bridge the gap left by the official Gallery Weekend by providing a space for urban contemporary artists, and presenting different artistic perspectives by exemplifying the diversity of the genre in one single exhibition.

For more info about the exhibition and the complete and impressive line-up, check the official full press release HERE!

The opening reception will be on Saturday April 22, 19:00 – 23:00 h at the gallery space located on Molkenmarkt 2, in Berlin-Mitte. The exhibition will be open to the public through April 30th. Below a small selection of the exhibited work:

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.

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