Fabio Petani & Luogo Comune in Turin

A few weeks ago Italian muralist Fabio Petani, partnered with Luogo Comune, another illustrator and muralist currently based in Bologna for the ToNite Project in Turin.

The project is funded by Urban Innovative Actions (UIA), an initiative of the European Union that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges.

The mural created by Petani and Comune was titled CHITINA & PRUNUS CERASUS and intends to give shape to the concept of ecosystem, that is, the interaction between plants, insects and landscape.

Although the artists have their own unique artistic style, they manage to work a composition that reflects the synergy in a natural ecosystem where everything have its place and balance, almost as if it was structured by a golden ratio or “divina proportione” (Divine Proportion).
Each set of elements has been placed next to each other in order to form some kind of puzzle, giving shape to segments of natural living things that interconnect and juxtapose each other as necessary and reciprocal otherness.

Despite the fact that both artists have managed to create a clearly balanced and smooth composition, their own peculiar styles are still very much recognizable. Luogo Comune’s flat colour palette, square like compositions and marked symbolism, meet the equally strong symbolist imagery of Petani but with a more delicate palette and his characteristic vigorous geometric elements, which activates the composition through phytomorphic figures. You can judge by yourself and don’t forget to check out the artists websites!

INDIGENO is the community activation and urban regeneration project, the first beneficiary of the ToNite call, launched by the Municipality of Turin and funded under the European UIA “Urban Innovative Actions” program.


INDIGENO Project: @il_cerchio_e_le_gocce
Art direction: @corn_79
Partner: @offtopictorino @edisu_piemonte, @tonite_torino

Author: Fran

Founder and editor of Urbanite. Street Art lover who after the finishing her MA thesis on the Mexican and Norwegian muralist movement in the 1920-50s, developed a fascination for street art and graffiti that eventually led to collaborations with different art blogs, including the creation of this one.
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