Author: Fran

  • Mercedes Bellido “La noche, el ave de alas negras” at PlasticMurs gallery

    Mercedes Bellido “La noche, el ave de alas negras” at PlasticMurs gallery

    This Friday is the opening of another exciting exhibition at PlasticMurs gallery in Valencia. “La noche, el ave de alas negras” (Night, a black winged bird) by Spanish artist Mercedes Bellido who will be presenting a new body of work that reflects her fascination with the myth of Nyx, the Greek goddess (or personification) of the night. The myth of…

  • Act II, Volume IV: „Cascading Nebula” by Curiot at BC Gallery

    Act II, Volume IV: „Cascading Nebula” by Curiot at BC Gallery

    On February 25th BC Gallery opened Act II, Volume IV: „Cascading Nebula” a new solo show with Mexican artist Curiot showing his latest works. The exhibition, consisting of a series of paintings and in situ installations that invite visitors to a surreal and futuristic journey into the parallel universe of Curiot’s alter ego, Xikatze. A body of…

  • AEC paints ‘End of The Age of Walls’  in Cancun, Mexico

    AEC paints ‘End of The Age of Walls’ in Cancun, Mexico

    AEC from the ex duo Interesni Kazki just published a few images of his latest mural in Cancun, Mexico curated by Proyecto Panorama and organised by Visual Junkies. Titled ‘End of The Age of walls’ and painted in one of Cancun’s oldest neighbourhoods, the new mural is a good expression of AEC’s surrealist style.  The new…

  • O.Two and Andrea Riot “HEX CODA” at Punto618 Art Gallery

    O.Two and Andrea Riot “HEX CODA” at Punto618 Art Gallery

    Punto618 Art Gallery in Turin, Italy announced about a week ago the opening of HEX CODA a new joint show by London-based artists James Carey, aka O. Two and Italian Andrea Riot. The two artists started their careers on the streets in (respectively) early and late 1990s, eventually developing a style that fitted their gallery…

  • Simek and Donforty in Athens

    Simek and Donforty in Athens

    After his last mural at the end of last month, Greek artist Simek is back with a fresh and contrasting collaboration in the streets of Athens with another Greek artist, Donforty. Although both artists enjoy painting at derelict places,  Simek and Donforty own two quite different styles. On the one hand we have Donforty’s work, characterised by drippings and…

  • Elbi Elem “The Ring” for the 12+1 Urban Art Project

    Elbi Elem “The Ring” for the 12+1 Urban Art Project

    Remember that amazing kinetic sculpture by Barcelona-based artist Elbi Elem she created at the end of 2016? Well, she was recently featured artist of the month at the 12+1 Urban Art Project at L’Hospitalet de Llobregat afor which she created this stunning mural. Titled “The Ring” and not unlike her kinetic sculptures and other 2D and 3D work, the…

  • Abik for NWO as New WALL Order

    Abik for NWO as New WALL Order

    The 3rd edition of NWO or New WALL Order project, a self-appointed “Italian underground street art conspiracy’ project” curated recently a very special wall painted by Italian artist Abik, bringing the gestural work of classic abstract expressionism to the streets. Working within the contemporary muralist scene: Abik and his signature ‘gestural’ approach to painting, Abik proved to be perfectly in line…

  • David de la Mano ‘Wandering Community’ mural in Montevideo, Uruguay

    David de la Mano ‘Wandering Community’ mural in Montevideo, Uruguay

    A few days ago I got a few images from David de la Mano‘s last mural, titled “Wandering community (Comunidad errante)” and painted on an until then empty billboard in the La Blanqueada neighbourhood in Montevideo, Uruguay. Not unlike the rest of his work, the new mural depicts a group of human silhouettes, all going in…

  • Pener “Vampire” mural in Olsztyn, Poland

    Pener “Vampire” mural in Olsztyn, Poland

    Polish artist Bartek Świątecki aka Pener sent a few days ago a few images of his latest street piece, “Vampire”, painted Olsztyn, Poland where he currently works and lives. Mixing abstraction and traditional graffiti, Pener’s work inserts him into a new real of modern urban art. His work cannot be seen without taking in consideration his…

  • Coming up: New solo show by Remi Rough at Wunderkammern gallery

    Coming up: New solo show by Remi Rough at Wunderkammern gallery

    Wunderkammern gallery in Rome will be opening on April 1st a new exhibition featuring the work of British artist Remi Rough, his first first solo exhibition in Italy. Titled Symphony of Systematic Minimalism, Remi Rough’s show explores the relationship between visual art and music. Based on his over 20 years experience in music production, his artistic and musical…


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