Author: Fran
44 Flavours and Johannes Mundinger in Hamm, Germany
A few days ago met Johannes Mundinger and Sebastian Bagge and Julio Rölle from 44 Flavours in Hamm, Germany invited to take part of the UFAM Ruhr festival an interdisciplinary art convention featuring contemporary art in public spaces over 20 venues in Hamm, Hagen, Dortmund, Herten and Essen, all cities within the German Ruhr area. Thirty artists were…
WAONE’s “Meaningful Moment” in Washington D.C.
“Meaningful Moment” is a surrealist mural by Ukrainian artist Vladimir Manzhos aka WAONE recently painted for the District Walls project curated by Artwhino in Washington DC. I remember the time from the first years of Design school when we were asked to draw everything except what we saw; sounds, feelings, whatever our other senses could perceive. A wonderful exercise…
Millo’s “BLIND” mural in Bonito, Italy
‘BLIND’ is a lovely mural by Italian artist Millo painted for the Impronte Art Festival organised by Collettivo Boca in collaboration with Salvatore Ferragamo Foundation in Bonito, Italy. The mural depicts a giant young girl laying in a park in the middle of a busy metropolis whilst she holds a rainbow between her hands. Each artist was asked to choose one…
“Another Brick In The Wall” by Sepe x District Walls
Michał Wręga aka SEPE is another Polish artist participating of the District Walls a project curated by Art Whino in Washington DC. The mural, titled Another Brick on the Wall the new mural depicts a clown being crowned, a comment to the way the US presidential elections are carried out so far. Seeing in this way it’s difficult…
“Concrete Contrasts” Chazme New mural in Washington D.C.
A few days ago finished Polish visual artist and architect Daniel Kalinski aka CHAZME this wonderful mural in Washington DC for the District Walls project curated by ArtWhino. Once again we are confronted to Chazme’s dystopian compositions, comments and critiques on urban planning and architecture, being “Concrete Contrasts” a good example of this, representing in many ways the…
VNA Issue 34: Documenting the Documentarian
Very Nearly Almost just released Documenting the Documentarian a 10th anniversary issue of their magazine featuring the legendary Martha Cooper,Invader, Seen, ‘The God Father of graffiti’ and James Jean among others as well as an interview with Japanese master, Usugrow, Todd Francis, Selina Miles, Ghostpatrol, Kai and Sunny and Urban Nation. Very Nearly Almost is a UK-based independent magazine printed quarterly which features…
“Glimpse of America” a project by 2501 and G. Matta
‘Glimpse of America’ or rather ‘Glimpse of USA’, because we all know America is a continent and not a single country, is a project by 2501 and G. Matta started in 2015 when the artists decided to travel across the country from Miami to L.A. During the course of twenty-five days, they travelled through Florida, Savannah, Baltimore, Washington DC, Newark,…
TELLAS ‘Clima Estremo’ at Rome’s Wunderkammern gallery
Next Saturday, on October 15th, Rome’s Wunderkammern gallery will be presenting “Clima Estremo” (Extreme Weather) a new solo show by Rome-based artist Tellas. Known for his close study of nature, Tellas work gives shape to abstract organic patterns and a poetic minimalism that strives to create beautiful and meditative pieces that invite the viewer to explore untouched landscapes through the use…
DOURONE “Fraternity” in new mural in Kiev
Here a few images from Dourone‘s last mural for the ongoing mural art project Art United Us in Kiev, Ukraine. As mentioned in an earlier post, the project aims to raise public awareness and attention to the problem of war, aggression and violence around the world through art. Titled Fraternity and curated by Geo Leros and Iryna Kanishcheva,…
“Risveglio” by Gola Hundun x ALTrove Festival 2016
Italian artist Gola Hundun was one of the artists taking part of this year’s ALTrove Festival in Catanzaro, Italy for which he painted this new mural titled curated by Edoardo Suraci. Titled “Risveglio” (Awakening) was painted on the wall belonging to the Istituto Comprensivo Statale Padre Pino Puglisi, a school named in honour of Padre Pino Puglisi also known as the antimafia…
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