Category: Photography
“Layers” a photo exhibition by Iryna Kanishcheva
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Earlier this fall photographer and independent curator Iryna Kanishcheva presented an interesting photo collection entitled “Layers” at the Gary R. Libby Gallery in Gainesville, Florida, that explores a previously undeveloped direction: abstract…
The Dead Zone by Julien Coquentin
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Sometimes you come across stunning work while surfing the internet, sometimes not. Today I felt lucky to stumble upon the work of French photographer Julien Coquentin for the first time.…
Harry Gelb ‘Ghost of ourselves’
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I recently had the opportunity to get in touch with the guys from Harry Gelb, a duo that has been creating haunting urban art installations around the globe part of their…
Guido van Helten paints freight trains for The Wanderers series
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During the last time, Selina Miles has been developing a new miniseries called “The Wanderers” – premiering on ABC iView in Australia in 2017. The latest Wanderers episode features artist…
Preview: “Mesmerize” Photography and Street Art at Punto618 Art Gallery
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On Sunday March 13th Punto618 Art Gallery in Turin will be presenting “Mesmerize” a fascinating exhibition that will display the collaborative work of young Italian photographer Livio Ninni and six urban artists; Corn79,…
Conor Harrington, HuskMitNavn, Maya Hayuk, Roa and Daleast x Surface in Copenhagen
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Danish photographer Søren Solkær opened last Friday June 12 the 5th show for the SURFACE project’s world tour, this time at Øksnehallen in central Copenhagen. The exhibition features 122 portraits in large…
Photo: Dean Hamilton’s ‘Suicide Series’
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I stumbled upon the work of Canadian photographer Dean Hamilton this morning and I became fascinated by these new series he is working on that we could call “Suicide series”.…
“Emergent Behavior” by Thomas Jackson
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I remember artist and photographer Thomas Jackson from his “Robot series” on an earlier post I published long before this new blog was started. In Emergent Behavior, Jackson coaxes scores of disposable…
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