Tag: Brazil

  • Herbert Baglione ‘1000 Shadows’ Project Continues In France

    Earlier this summer, spent Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione some time in France where in collaboration with the Winterlong Galerie he created a series of installations in La Rochelle, Niort and other small villages around this area. The new installations are part of Herbert Baglione’s ongoing 1000 shadows project which started last year in Parma, Italy and featuring ghost…

  • Alexandre Orion New Mural In São Paulo

    Multidisciplinary artist Alexandre Orion was recently in São Paulo invited by Green Nation Brazil where he took part in a debate on Art and Environment (Arte e Meio Ambiente) last 10th of September. This new hyperrealistic mural was also painted for the occasion and shows the image of a little girl playing with parts (houses) of a town that could…

  • Rodrigo Branco x SaciLovesYou New Collaborations In The UK and Germany

    Brazilian artists Rodrigo Branco and Pedro Saci also known as SaciLovesYou are now in Europe where they have been painting a series of murals around London and  Dortmund, Germany. Rodrigo Branco and Pedro Saci are in town invited Pigment London, a project run by a duo who aim to showcase and work with emerging Brazilian artists and their stay. They…

  • Captain Borderline highlights the ugly truth about the 2014 World Cup

    It’s difficult to look away from the irregularities related to this year’s World Cup, It’s not only the complete lack of organisation, it is also about the injustices their people (the poor) has experienced in the last time. Cleaning the city for ‘undesirable’ poor people is just one side of this many faced coin. Evictions, child…

  • Felipe Yung New Mural In Hiroshima

    Felipe Yung New Mural In Hiroshima

    Brazilian artist Felipe Yung is now in Hiroshima where he just finished this new wall. Flip is part of Famiglia Baglione since 2006 and hails from Vila Mariana in São Paulo. His work reflects his  incessant interest in the Asian culture permeating different worlds where oppositions like the figurative and abstract coexist. Interesting piece.

  • Vhils New Mural in Araçaí Village, Brazil

    Alexandre Farto aka Vhils is now in Brazil visiting a Guaraní tribe in Piraquara region where he has been working on a collaboration with the local tribe consisting of 54 wooden doors etched with indigenous motifs and portraits of the locals. The installation will be exhibited at Caixa cultural in Curitiba, Brazil as a part of the show that will…

  • Sacilovesyou New Mural in São Paulo, Brazil

    This interesting piece is the work of Brazilian artist Pedro Saci aka Saci Loves You, an architecture and urbanism student from São Paulo. Saci’s work is not only based on his interest for the aesthetics of the city, but also the people living in it. Using a paint roller, latex paint (specially a bright magenta) and black spray paint, Saci…

  • B-47 x Santo André Ink In São Paulo, Brazil

    This new mural is the work of B-47 a collective composed by the artists Dênis Rodrigues de Freitas and Tiago Ramos Gasques painted for the Santo André Ink in the Santo André district in São Paulo. Another great collab from this duo.

  • B-47 x Santo André Ink In São Paulo, Brazil

    This new mural is the work of B-47 a collective composed by the artists Dênis Rodrigues de Freitas and Tiago Ramos Gasques painted for the Santo André Ink in the Santo André district in São Paulo. Another great collab from this duo.

  • Nunca “Dança” New Mural In Paris

    Here a brand new mural by Brazilian “Grafiteiro” Nunca finished in Paris a couple of days ago. Entitled “Dança” (Portuguese for Dance), Nunca portraits a couple involved in what, at first sight, appears to be a deadly dance. Looking closely into the picture we realise that the forks which each figure is holding against his/her…


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