Tag: Spain

  • ESCIF “Fast food is not a crime” New series in Valencia, Spain

    Escif has been pretty busy in the last time painting a series of ironic pieces all around his hometown Valencia. The new series has been “Fast food is not a crime” and represent a sarcastic comment to the present fast food debate. Funny are also the comments that accompanied every picture.

  • “The Writer” by Escif

    Funny new little piece by Spanish artist Escif entitled “El escritor/The Writer” painted somewhere in Valencia, Spain. I guess the piece speaks for itself…

  • Hyuro New Pieces in Valencia, Spain

    And there was also Hyuro back in Spain where she already painted a couple of her conceptual pieces. As always in Hyuro’s work the female figure is present, maybe as a representation of herself confronted to different situation, choices, life experiences and inner life. I have to admit, they are not easy to interpret, but…

  • Escif Hawai-Bombay New Piece In Valencia, Spain

    Escif Hawai-Bombay New Piece In Valencia, Spain

    Hawai-Bombay seems to be Escif‘s latest piece, published on his website today. Even if I have to admit that I don’t really get this new piece its funny to see how he relates real events and popular culture to his murals, always coming as a sharp comment. In addition to pictures of the mural, Escif added…

  • Escif “Reformas” New Piece In Valencia

    About a week ago or so, Escif dropped this piece somewhere in Valencia, Spain. As usual, it takes some time before they are “discovered” and eventually published on his website, but that doesn’t affect the value of his work. Ironic and intelligent, Escif discusses subject matters that involve his home country Spain, the crisis and…

  • “Professional Painter” New Mural by Escif in Valencia

    Escif  posted a couple of new works on his blog and “Professional Painter”is one of them. The mural is according to Escif inspired by an earlier piece by El Tono (picture bellow) and offers the services of a professional painter, a “clean, cheap and fast one”. Is there anything to add to this? El Tono’s…

  • “Park” by SAM3 New Mural x Open Walls Barcelona

    Sam3 was recently in Barcelona to take part of this years Openwalls Showcase Barcelona 2013 along with BTOY and Uriginal. The new piece, entitled “Park” and accompanied of the following statement: “Los pájarillos son las palabras de los árboles/The small birds are tree’s words”, is typical of this Madrid based artist whose murals, enormous in scale, always are charged by a certain air of…

  • Escif “URANIO. Derrotar a Miró” New Piece in Mallorca, Spain

    Restless Escif is back with a new piece entitled “URANIO. Derrotar a Miró” painted during his recent stay in Mallorca, Spain. The new piece seems to be accompanied by the following paragraph from León Felipe’s “Español del exodo y del llanto”: “La España de las harcas no tuvo nunca poetas. De Franco han sido y siguen siendo los…

  • Pablo S. Herrero New Pieces in Salamanca

    Just got a couple of images of Pablo S. Herrero‘s latest pieces recently painted in two small villages in Salamanca. Migratoria (above) was painted in San Pedro de Rozados in collaboration with the illustrator and land artist Juanvi Sánchez, a wall that could remind us a bit of the pieces created for the  ”Red In Neighbourhoods” project. The second…

  • Escif New piece In Valencia, Spain

    Escif is now back in Valencia, Spain where he already painted a piece entitled “Miami”, probably a comment to this years Miami Art Basel and featuring a classical sculpture holding an ordinary plant, a pretty accurate representation of the state of affairs down there because, lets face it. The show is awesome, but the art is…


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